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🎤 From time to time I give presentations, talks or participate in podcasts about the topics that I am passionate about.
I have not collected these collaborations consistently in one place - so this is a selection of some of the public speaking or public appearances that I have done over time.
If you would like to have me participating in your talk, podcast or any other format, drop me a line!

  • Building trust through incident communication with Adrián Moreno, VP of Engineering at SumUp
    (35min) March 25, 2024

    Today, good incident communication isn’t a nice to have—it’s an absolute must.

    But where do you even start? To help answer that question, we sat down with the VP of Engineering at SumUp, ⁠Adrián Moreno Peña⁠, to get his perspective on how organizations of all sizes can share stellar comms no matter the situation. We discuss:

    • What it means to communicate during incidents
    • Why Status Pages are critical in helping to build trust
    • How you can have good comms even without a lead …and much more
  • Journey from Manager to Manager of Managers
    (50min) October 17, 2023

    👨‍💼 With Zahid Rasheed, Head of Design & Development at YouSee, Adrián Moreno Peña, Director of Engineering at SumUp, and Pierre Fourgeaud, Vice President of Engineering at Airtame.

    🗣️ We share personal experiences, challenges faced, and strategies adopted in transitioning from a managerial role to managing multiple managers. We get into what we have learned, what we struggle with - and how we try to help our managers.

  • Tech Leaders Journal: How to balance independence and control within your organization
    (53min) March 17, 2022

    Unlock the secrets to striking the perfect balance between independence and control within your organization with Adrián Moreno Peña, Director of Engineering at SumUp, in this episode of Tech Leaders Hub.

    With over 4 million vendors relying on their products, SumUp is a leading provider of financial services for small businesses. As the Director of Engineering, Adrian leads a team of over 50 people, including 30+ engineers, responsible for the development of online invoicing and accounting tools.

    One of the key challenges facing Adrian and his team is how to balance the need for individual growth with the needs of the larger organization. By focusing on helping others grow and succeed, Adrian has been able to foster a culture of collaboration and success within his team.

    During this episode, we explored topics such as:

    • How to foster a culture of innovation and sustainability within a larger organization
    • The benefits of allowing smaller units to operate with a startup mentality within a company
    • The importance of setting clear investments and goals for each unit
    • The role of teaching and mentoring in fostering growth and development within a team
    • Strategies for balancing the needs of the individual with the needs of the larger organization

    Episode available also in youtube with live video.

  • How Can We Get More Efficient, Independent Teams?
    (57min) October 17, 2021

    A conversation Juan Muñoz (Engineering Manager at Pleo), Harri Tunturivuori (VP of Engineering at Liva Healthcare), Olga (Ollie) Kryva (Engineering Manager at Microsoft) about team setup, culture - and how to create a culture where our teams depend less on us and can be self-organized.

  • Native Advertising
    April 4, 2016

    Flash-talk, in pechakucha format presentation, with 30 seconds per slide (12 slides total).

  • 🇪🇸 La web: pasado, evolución y futuro
    April 27, 2013

    Flash-talk, in pechakucha format presentation, with 30 seconds per slide (12 slides total).

  • 🇪🇸 Fundamentos de posicionamiento en buscadores
    April 24, 2013

    Presentation (in Spanish) for a conference about e-commerce taking place in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). In the talk I explained the basics of Search Engine Optimization. The audience were small business owners, getting interested into e-commerce to expand their business and new alternative sales channels.

  • 🇪🇸 PlotSpot - application to explore recording locations for movie/TV contents
    December 17, 2012

    Presentation (in Spanish) for PlotSpot, a native iOS app I co-developed. The app displayed a list of locations where TV shows or movies had been recorded. The idea was to consume the content while watching it.

  • 🇪🇸 GaliTempo · Un cliente nativo de MeteoGalicia para iOS
    October 25, 2012

    Presentation (in Spanish) for a talk about GaliTempo, a native iOS app I co-developed, that was consuming the online webservices of Meteogalicia (the weather agency for the region of Galicia)

  • 🇪🇸 Cosas que (quizás) me hubiese gustado oír al acabar la carrera
    June 8, 2012

    Graduation speech for the students of graduating in 2012 in Computer Engineering in my university, Santiago de Compostela. After graduating in 2007 and having started a company since then, I got the chance to participate in the graduation ceremomy with a speech.

    Maybe the best thing is that I thought that the “inspirational quote” that I used to close the speech was from Steve Jobs - as I had seen attributed in Wikiquote. But it turned to be a joke added to the page - where the quote itself is from a Digimon son 🤷 (Butter-Fly, in particular).